
Gabriel Bigotti - Director / Carribean Division

“Live life to the fullest; with quality of time, quality of friends, traveling a lot and doing lots of sports.”

Today Gabriel works without pressure while enjoying his free time mixing electronic music in his house overlooking the sea. It sounds like a dream, but things weren't always like this; Gabriel didn't have an easy time getting to where he is. He started working at age 18 and since then has sold graduate trips to Bariloche, timeshares and retirement plans. He had to leave his country and make his way to another where the main language was not his own. During his journey towards growth he was financially strapped a couple of times, but that never stopped him from getting ahead.

This psychologist by profession believes that life is to be enjoyed and that is why he advises his clients in Perfect Circle so that they can do it to the fullest.


María Cardona - Operative Processes and Customer Experience


Juan Carlos Cambronero - Director / Wealth Management DIvision